Monday, November 25, 2013

Holidays coming up

1. I am so glad that Terry has to work Thanksgiving so I don't have to worry about making dinner and eating it.  That thought is very scary!
2. I am just not into Christmas anymore due to the commerialism and them pushing it earlier and earlier.   So if Terry has to work again so be it. I don't have to worry about hosting it here. Plus I don't have to worry about cleanup afterward and having the place in tip top shape.

Friday, November 8, 2013


Not such a good day. Satan is ragging me. I feel guilty about eating soup and following the meal plan. Just wish he leave me be.   

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

food plan

Going back to the egg in morning.  I want to follow the meal plan. I know I wavered off it due to body fluctuations not sure about my cycle.  I know satan hates when I keep to a meal plan but that is just too bad.  I want to maintain a good relationship with Miriam.

Satan needs to go away. I know working with Miriam will eradicate him.