Things that the ED told me
Myth-I would like myself after losing a bunch of weight.
Truth-At first it was good,then it got to be an obsession then it became to the point where Miriam was mentioning hospital and I hated myself for disappointing her.
Myth-You can't be thin enough
Truth-Get too thin people will start worrying about you and making comments about you.
Myth-You can stop after a certain weight.
Truth-No you can't there is no magic number because ED will keep lowering it and you will keep going further in the pit of hell.
Myth-You don't need food to survive
Truth-Yes I do, food is medicine to beat the ED.
Myth-You can do anything you want once you get thin
Truth-No you can't! You get too thin, you will be too weak to do anything, and to think correctly. Due to no nutrients to the brain.
Biggest lie of all!
Your life will be great!
Truth-My life was hell! I couldn't sleep without food dreams, I was constantly exercising, and weighing myself! I hated myself for it. Plus I went under Miriam's lowest target for me. I got her worried about me. It took her to mention the hospital and that doctor that specializes in ED's to snap me out of my fog to get on the right track!
Bottom line: ED is full of horse dung and Lies! Don't believe him. I need to believe the people that love me!