Tuesday, April 25, 2017



         AFRID is known as Avoidant or restrictive food intake disorder, it was previously a known as a selective eating disorder (SED).  What this means is that there are certain foods are not eaten or limited due to: the way the food looks, smells, tastes, texture and even the brand presentation which could be have had a negative experience associated with it.
         I have had a bad experience with liver and chicken livers.  I couldn’t stand the smell or taste of them. I was told that if I didn’t eat what was put in front of me, that there would be no dessert.  Sometimes, dinner was so hard that I opted to skip the dessert. I thought that there were times that my biological mother would put there to eat, so I would be tempted not to eat dessert. Since she was always on me about my weight. Also there were no alternatives to dinner, or other choices to what was being served.
         I have grown up and moved out, I don’t serve liver or chicken livers for my husband and I.   I know I have choices what to eat and what to make.  Also my husband does not like liver either, so he will not want to eat this either. I also will have dinner choices that we can choose from. I am no longer afraid of what is for dinner because I know it isn’t liver nor will it ever be!!!