Thursday, December 8, 2016

How a Night in The ER Changed me

How a Night in The ER Changed me

Early in May, I started to experience, some stomach upset. I have noticed that after eating certain foods like onions, seasoned fries,and drinking coffee, gave me a flare in my stomach. I started marking down what I thought could be the triggers were and ate or drink less of them.
One Night on May 20, my stomach was really flaring and nothing that I was doing on my own was helping. I tried Tums, and Vernors and it still was hurting. The ER was the only option at the time, due to Urgent Care Center being closed after ten pm.
We went to the ER and I went through the regular exams, like EKG, and a blood test. When the doctor was examining me and asking health history, I disclosed to him that I am recovering from Anorexia. I have asked him if I did this to myself. He said, “no these happen.” While we were waiting on results of the blood test, Terry, my husband said to me, you need to slow down and let me help. He thought that I was stressing out and trying to overdo everything. I also thought at the time, maybe it could have been stomach stress, before my upcoming class, Forensic Psychology. I have thought that yes, I should let him help me with stuff around the house. The doctor and his supervisor came in and revealed that I have GERD and would have to make changes. They prescribed to me a medicine that I would take a half hour prior to eating. When they discharged me, it was pretty late and we were both tired. I went to bed and got up to take Horatio to get his nails clipped. I was set to do the Aldi's shopping too. I then heard Miriam's voice,(my therapist)saying to me, “ No you are not going shopping, you were up most of the night in the ER, go to bed and rest.” I dropped Horatio off and got my prescription filled at the pharmacy and then went home and laid down. I let Terry do the cooking, I was just tired and let him help me.
What did I take away from this experience? I have one body and need to honor it and take care of it. I also need to let Terry help me and when it comes to the classes that I take, do the best I can, I don't have to rely on perfection.
During the course of time, I limited coffee to a cup, and I don't cook with onions because they are a major source of GERD upsets. I also found through research and someone sharing her experience with GERD, that she uses Papaya pills. These pills are great! They have been helping me out and I haven't had a flareup, nor have I used the Tums. Life is good with no gastric flares. It has gotten my attention to take care of myself and let me know that my body does change and the things that I used to eat, I would have to eat very sparingly and have my papaya pill ready!

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