Sunday, September 27, 2020

Sean Feucht

A friend on Facebook showed me a link of Sean Feucht. I love his energy.  I am glad he is trying to reach people by going into the worst cities and doing revivals with his band. 
The best revival concert I saw was Sacramento -Let Us Worship.  
His music is easy to follow! Makes you want to sing along! I pray he comes to MI around here. I would love to see him!

Saturday, September 5, 2020

New perspective

 Looking back to last year, the things that I thought were important like planning next year's vacation and what class I will be taking some how changed with this "COVID"pandemic. Now it is going to church, reading my bible, going to bible studies and being among believers is the most important thing now. Drawing close to God instead of looking at my own interests.  

I feel more at peace when I am at church now. Last year, I was thinking if I go near a church it would fall. Now I know so not true!

I need to put God first and me second.