Monday, July 31, 2017

Prevent Slut Shaming

Five Ways to Stand Up to Slut Shaming on Social Media

I have read the article on Twitter that a woman is called a “whore or a slut every ten seconds! I don’t know about you but I find this very disheartening when it is girls or other women doing this to other women.
         In the UK there were over nine thousand abusive tweets a day with the reference of whore or slut in them. Method 52 picks up these abusive tweets and flags them as abusive and escalating them to the moderators. This is good so that the readers of the tweets don’t have to worry about flagging them as abusive.  I think we need to stand up to slut shaming and say this will not be tolerated.  Here ways we can standup to this online bullying
Ø If we don’t have an automated flagging method on our Twitter let’s adopt it.
Ø Let’s flag abusive posts on Facebook too.
Ø Have friends in a group chat call out someone that is slut shaming and tell him or her that this won’t be tolerated.
Ø Have friends of the person being shamed on Twitter send out positive tweets to build that person back up.
Ø Have a feature on Instagram that picks up abusive posts and sends them to the administrators.

I have a Twitter account however I try and be encouraging in my tweets.  I think a safety mechanism should be put in place where women don’t have to see those harmful tweets. I also think that users that send these nasty tweets should get a warning and if it keeps on happening, their account should be suspended.

If I were to see an abusive post that was either meant for my friends or I.   I would flag it as abusive and send it to the administration group.  I would let my friend know and tell her not to pay attention to delete that post because it isn’t worth seeing. I would delete it the comment if it were aimed at me then delete the person and block them. 

In a group chat, if a person were calling a woman either a whore or a slut, there should be some group leader telling that person that this language isn’t allowed. If they still persist, report that person to administration. The group leader could message the ones that aren’t being nasty and also the target or targets and tell them that they will start a new conversation and delete this one, however the one that is doing the name calling will not be included in the new upcoming message. This way the one that is being nasty doesn’t follow into the next conversation.

If friends see “slut shaming to an individual, they should send positive comments to her on either Twitter or Facebook.  I think that more positive affirmations we can give someone, the better that they will feel about themselves. This will also show that we see that person as beautiful and it will cancel out the nastiness that someone tried to shame them with.

I hope Instagram has a safety feature where it blocks out these nasty posts so nobody has to deal with being called a “Whore or a slut.” I think that there should be way to freeze the shamer’s account for a period of time and an e-mail sent to them on why the account is froze.

My final thought is this; no one should be subject to slut shaming on social media sites.  These sites are to have fun and talk to your friends.  Slut shaming is harmful and another form of cyber bullying it should be stopped.   I would love to see the misogyny stopped.  We can do this if we stand together and show each other the love and respect each one of us deserves.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Empowerment Summer Hit list

Empowerment Summer Play List

A couple of years ago, I put together a CD of ED Busters when I want to feel empowered. Last year I found some more songs that would well on the CD and remade the CD with more songs.  These songs have meaning for me too.
Here are some of them:
Coming Out of the Dark-Gloria Estafan
Beautiful Life- Ace of Base
This Girl is of Fire- Alicia Keys
Strong Enough- Cher
Paradise- Cold Play
Sky Scraper- Demi Lavato
Shake it Out-Florence and The Machine
Things Can Only Get Better- Howard Jones
Pocketful of Sunshine- Natasha Bedingfield
The Good Life-One Republic
I want to Break Free- Queen
Beautiful Day-U2
Eye of the Tiger- Survivor
Unwritten-Natasha Beddingfield
The Warrior-Scandal
Promise of a New Day-Paula Abdul
Cry For You-September

I have also made copies for some people too that want to feel empowered. 
I listen to these hits not just during summer but when I have bad ED Days and I am tempted to use the eating disorder’s behaviors.  I listen to my play list and journal. It does help snap me out of my funk

So I invite people to a play list together that inspires them to keep on the recovery track because we are all worth it!