Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ohama, NE

I was sadden and sicken to learn that two bullies put this boy's belongings in the toilet.
First they took an item that wasn't theirs to the restroom without permission-that is theft.
Then they put it in the toilet-vandalism.
The bullies claimed  that they didn't know the boy was deaf. Whether they knew or not isn't the issue, what they did was very wrong! They picked and bullied on someone to elevate their low sense of self-worth.
Alex no longer feels safe going to school because of the past bullying incidents.
It is not okay to bully anyone under any circumstance! Bullying hurts a person's self-worth and the person at the end may end up taking his or her life like we seen in that Catholic school where there the school did nothing to help the thirteen old boy and he hung himself.
I do hope this mother of the deaf boy makes a police report. These boys need to be held accountable and know this behavior is unacceptable
Also they need to ask themselves: Would we like this done if we were deaf? 
Alex had everything he needed to get through the school day in his backpack and have that ruined and stolen was very heartbreaking! 
It is sad that kids can not go to school without getting bullied.
If it were up to me: They would get expelled from school, get charged, do some juvenile lockup time, go to to sensitivity classes on how how to treat others!!!!!
Also these bullies should have to pay for this kid's school supplies: Tablet, books, cochlear implant and whatever was damaged.
On a good note, good to hear that a lot of students are rallying behind Alex, and set up a Go Fund me page so he get his school supplies back.
Thanks to the students that are stepping up for this boy!!!


  1. Excellent points. Bullying has become a national epidemic which needs to be stopped. The punishment needs to start at home but in most cases it won't, so schools and the law must take a stronger stance.

    1. Unfortunately parents are the bullies so the kids learn to be bullies to by mimicking that behavior. The example starts at home.
